Corpi Gia was the winner of the SIMMAR (Serveis Integrals de mantenimente del Maresme, S.L.) public tender for the supply of equipment at the Pineda de Mar sewage pretreatment plant as part of the pre-treatment tanker trucks reception project. The project has been carried out jointly by Corpi Obres and Corpi GIA.

The installed reception system will pre-treat the waste water from the emptying of septic tanks which arrives in tanker trucks before being discharged to the Pineda pretreatment plant.

The facility consists of two tank reception systems with a unit capacity of 100 m3/h. Each system has the following equipment:

  • Connector for discharging the tanker truck.
  • Coarse separator/solids decanter.
  • Shredder.
  • Fine screen.
  • Retention tank of 4.5 m3 volume.
  • Worm screw for the compaction of fine screen waste.
  • Pumping of the retained water to the entrance well of the WWTP.

The system is controlled automatically thanks to the level sensors, flowmeters, pneumatic valves and the operating maneuvers introduced in the control PLC.